Tuesday, December 31, 2019

United States Military Body Fat Standards

United States Military Body Fat StandardsUnited States Military Body Fat StandardsThere is no maximum weight to join or stay in the military, but different branches of the military do have standards for body-fat percentages. However, it takes more time to measure body fat than it does to weigh someone, soeach of the branches has weight charts they use to screen members. If a military member weighs more than the allowed weight on the chart, they are measured for body-fat percentage.Body-fat standards are used to determine initial qualification for enlistment/accession and also to determine whether or not a member continues to meet required standards after joining. Military members are periodically weighed (and measured, if necessary) throughout their careers. Those found to be over their body-fat limits are entered into a mandatory weight loss program. Those who fail to maintain required body-fat standards are subject to administrative sanctions which can includereprimands, denial of promotions, administrative demotion in rank, and even administrative discharge.The Air Force uses weight/body fat measurements only for initial entry, and a body-composition measurement is an integrated component of the Air Force Physical Fitness Test. Individuals who exceed the maximum weights are measured for a body-fat percentage.Body-Fat ProceduresThe Department of Defense formula to compute body-fat percentage is somewhat complicated. For males, the formula is % body fat 86.010 x log10(abdomen - neck) - 70.041 x log10(height) 36.76. For females, the formula is % body fat 163.205 x log10(waist hip - neck) - 97.684 x log10(height) - 78.387.However, you dont have to worry about that, as the DOD has prepared charts based on the above formula that can be used to look up body-fat percentages after taking the proper measurements.Measurements (Male)AbdomenMeasure abdominal circumference against the skin at the navel (belly button), level and parallel to the floor. Arms are at the sides. Record the measurement at the end of a members prototyp, relaxed exhalation. Round abdominal measurement down to the nearest inch.NeckMeasure the neck circumference at a point just below the larynx (Adams Apple) and perpendicular to the long axis of the neck. Do not distribution policy the tape measure over the Adams Apple. The service member should look straight ahead during measurement, with shoulders down (not hunched). The tape will be as close to horizontal as anatomically feasible (the tape line in the front of the neck should be at the same height as the tape line in the back of the neck). Care should be taken so as not to involve the shoulder/neck muscles (trapezius) in the measurement. Round neck measurement up to the nearest inch. Subtract the neck measurement from the abdomen measurement.Measurements (Female)NeckMeasure neck circumference at a point just below the larynx (Adams Apple) and perpendicular to the long axis of the neck. The service member should look straight ahead during measurement, with shoulders down (not hunched). Round the neck measurement up to nearest inch.WaistMeasure the natural waist circumference, against the skin, at the point of the minimal abdominal circumference, usually located about halfway between the navel and the lower end of the sternum (breastbone). When you cannot easily see this site, take several measurements at probable sites and use the smallest value. Be sure that the tape is level and parallel to the floor. The service members arms must be at the sides. Take measurements at the end of members normal relaxed exhalation. Round the natural waist measurement down to the nearest inch.HipMeasure the hip circumference while facing the Service members right side by placing the tape around the hips so that it passes over the greatest protrusion of the gluteal muscles (buttocks) as viewed from the side. Make sure the tape is level and parallel to the floor. Apply sufficient tension on the tape to minimize t he effect of clothing. Round the hip measurement down to the nearest inch. Add the waist and hip measurements together, then subtract the neck measurements.Army Height/Weight Chart for New Male RecruitsHeight in InchesMinimum WeightMaximum Weight (Age 17-20)Maximum Weight (Age 21-27)Maximum Weight (Age 28-39)Maximum Weight (Age 40)5891599460971321361391416110013614014414662104141144148150631071451491531556411015015415816065114155159163165661171601631681706712116516917417868125170174179181691281751791841867013218018518919271136185189194197721401901952002037314419520020520874148201206211214751522062122172207615621221722322677160218223229232781642232292352387916822923524124480173234240247250ArmyHeight/Weight Chart for New Female RecruitsHeight in InchesMinimum WeightMaximum Weight (Age 17-20)Maximum Weight (Age 21-27)Maximum Weight (Age 28-39)Maximum Weight (Age 40)5891119121122123599412412512612860971281291311336110013213413513762104136138140142631071411431441466411014514714915165114 150152154156661171551561581616712115916116316668125164166168171691281691711731767013217417617818171136179181183186721401841861881917314418919119419774148194197199202751522002022042087615620520721021377160210213215219781642162182212257916822122422723080173227230233236Air ForceWeight Charts for Males and FemalesHeight (inches)Max Weight (lbs)5813159136601416114562150631556416065165661706717568180691867019171197722027320874214752207622577231782377924480250NavyWeight Charts for MalesHeight (inches)Maximum Weight Standard (pounds)571275813159136601416114562150631556416065165661706717568181691867019171196722017320674211752167622177226782317923680241NavyWeight Charts for FemalesHeight (inches)Maximum Weight Standard (pounds)571275813159136601416114562149631526415665160661636716768170691747017771181721857318974194752007620577211782167922280227Marine korporation Height/Weight Standards for New Male RecruitsHeight (inches)Minimum Weight (regardless of age)Maximum Weight (16-20 years old)Maxim um Weight (21-30 years old)58961481535998153158601001581636110216316862103168174631041741806410517918665106185191661071911976711119720368115203209691192092157012321522271127221228721312272347313523324174139240248751432462547614725326177151260268781532672757915727428280160281288Marine CorpsHeight/Weight Standards for New Female RecruitsHeight (inches)Minimum Weight (regardless of age)Maximum Weight (16-20 years old)Maximum Weight (21-30 years old)5891120123599412412760971281316110013213562104137140631071411446411014614965114150153661171551576712116016368125164167691281691737013217417771136179181721401841877314418919274148195197751522002037615620520877160211214781642162197916822222580173228231Marine CorpsHeight/Weight Standards for Males After EntryHeight (inches)Minimum Weight (regardless of age)Maximum Weight (16-20 years old)Maximum Weight (21-30 years old)5891120123599412412760971281316110013213562104137140631071411446411014614965114150153661171551576712116016368125164167691281691 737013217417771136179181721401841877314418919274148195197751522002037615620520877160211214781642162197916822222580173228231Marine CorpsHeight/Weight Standards for FemalesAfter EntryHeight (Inches)Maximum Standard (Pounds)Minimum Standard (Pounds)581209159124946012897611321006213710463141107641461106515011466155117671601216816412569169128701741327117913672184140731891447419514875200152762051567721116078216164792221688022817Body Fat MeasurementsArmy (New Recruit Standards)Male 17-20 24%Male 21-27 26%Male 28-39 28%Male 40 30%Female 17-20 30%Female 21-27 32%Female 28-39 34%Female 40 36%Army (Standards After Boot Camp)Male 17-20 20%Male 21-27 22%Male 28-39 24%Male 40 26%Female 17-20 28%Female 21-27 30%Female 28-39 32%Female 40 34%Air Force (New Recruit Standards)Male 17-29 20%Male 30 24%Female 17-29 28%Female 30 32%Air Force (Standards After Boot Camp)The Air Force no longer measures body fat after basic training. Instead, Body Composition is an integrated part of the overallAir Force Fitness Test.Body Fat Charts for MalesThe tables below are derived from DOD Instruction 1308.3, DoD Physical Fitness and Body Fat Programs Procedures.Body Fat Percentages for Males between 60.0 and 64.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt60.060.561.061.562.062.563.063.564.064.513.59914.01111101010109914.51212121111111110101015.01313131312121212111115.51515151515131313131216.01616151515151414141416.51717161616161515151517.01818181717171716161617.51919191818181817171718.02020201919191918181818.52121212020202019191919.02222222121212120202019.52323232222222221212120.02424242323232322222220.52525252424242423232321.02626262525252524242421.52727272626262625252522.02827272727262626262522.52928282828272727272623.02929292928282828272723.53030302929292928282824.03131303030302929292924.53231313130303030302925.03232323231313131303025.53333333232323231313126.03434333333333232323226.53534343434333333333227.03535353534343434333327.53636363535353534343428.037363636363535 35353428.5373736363636353529.037373736363629.5373736Body Fat Percentages for Females between 58.0 and 62.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt58.058.559.059.560.060.561.061.562.062.545.01945.520201946.0212020201946.5212121202020191947.02222222121202020191947.52323222222212121202048.02423232322222221212148.52424242323232222222149.02525242424232323222249.52626252524242423232350.02726262625252424242350.52727272626262525252451.02828272727262626252551.52928282827272726262652.02929292828282727272652.53030292929282828272753.03130303029292928282853.53131313030302929292854.03232313131303030292954.53332323231313130303055.03333333232323131313055.53434333333323232313156.03534343433333332323156.53535353434343333323257.03636353534343433333357.53736363535353434343358.03737363636353535343458.53837373736363635353559.03838383737373636363559.53939383838373736363660.04039393838383737373660.54040393939383838373761.04140404039393938383861.54141414040403939383862.04242414140404 039393962.54242424141414040403963.04343424242414141404063.54443434242424141414064.04444434343424242414164.54544444443434342424265.04545454444434343424265.54645454544444443434366.04646464545454444434366.54746464645454544444467.0474646464545454467.54746464645454568.047474646464568.54746464669.047474669.547Body Fat Percentages for Males between 65.0 and 69.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt65.065.566.066.567.067.568.068.569.069.514.5109915.0111110101010109915.51212121111111111101016.01313131312121212121116.51414141414131313131217.01615151515141414141417.51716161616161515151518.01818171717171616161618.51919181818181717171719.02020191919191818181819.52121202020201919191920.02221212121212020202020.52322222222212121212121.02423232323222222222121.52424242423232323232222.02525252524242424232322.52626262525252524242423.02727262626262625252523.52827272727272626262624.02828282828272727272624.52929292928282828272725.03030302929292928282825.53131303030302929292926.0 3131313131303030302926.53232323231313131303027.03333323232323231313127.53433333333323232323228.03434343433333333323228.53535343434343433333329.03636363635353535343429.53636363635353535343430.03737363636363535353530.5373737363636363531.0373736363631.53737Body Fat Percentages for Males between 70.0 and 74.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt70.070.571.071.572.072.573.073.574.074.515.51011099916.011111110101010109916.51212121211111111111017.01313131313121212121117.51414141414131313131318.01515151515141414141418.51716161616151515151519.01817171717161616161619.51818181818171717171720.01919191919181818181820.52020202019191919191821.02121212120202020201921.52222222121212121202022.02323232222222222212122.52424232323232322222223.02524242424242323232323.52525252525242424242424.02626262625252525252424.52727272626262626252525.02828272727272626262625.52928282828272727272726.02929292928282828282726.53030302929292928282827.03130303030302929292927.5313131313030303030292 8.03232323131313131303028.53332323232323131313129.03333333332323232323129.53434343333333332323230.03534343434343333333330.53535353534343434343331.03636353535353534343431.53636363636353535353532.03737373636363636353532.53737363636363633.03737363633.537Body Fat Charts for FemalesThe tables beloware derived from DOD Instruction 1308.3, DoD Physical Fitness and Body Fat Programs Procedures.Body Fat Percentages for Females between 58.0 and 62.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt58.058.559.059.560.060.561.061.562.062.545.01945.520201946.0212020201946.5212121202020191947.02222222121202020191947.52323222222212121202048.02423232322222221212148.52424242323232222222149.02525242424232323222249.52626252524242423232350.02726262625252424242350.52727272626262525252451.02828272727262626252551.52928282827272726262652.02929292828282727272652.53030292929282828272753.03130303029292928282853.53131313030302929292854.03232313131303030292954.53332323231313130303055.0333333323232 3131313055.53434333333323232313156.03534343433333332323156.53535353434343333323257.03636353534343433333357.53736363535353434343358.03737363636353535343458.53837373736363635353559.03838383737373636363559.53939383838373736363660.04039393838383737373660.54040393939383838373761.04140404039393938383861.54141414040403939383862.04242414140404039393962.54242424141414040403963.04343424242414141404063.54443434242424141414064.04444434343424242414164.54544444443434342424265.04545454444434343424265.54645454544444443434366.04646464545454444434366.54746464645454544444467.0474646464545454467.54746464645454568.047474646464568.54746464669.047474669.547Body Fat Percentages for Females between 63.0 and 67.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt63.063.564.064.565.065.566.066.567.067.547.5191948.02020201948.521212020201949.022212121202020191949.52222222121212020201950.02323222222222121212050.52423232323222222212151.02524242423232322222251.52525252424242323232252.0262625252524242 4232352.52726262625252524242453.02727272626262525252453.52828272727262626252554.02928282827272726262654.52929292828282727272655.03030292929282828272755.53130303029292928282856.03131303030302929292856.53231313130303029292957.03232323131313030302957.53333323232313131303058.03433333332323231313158.53434343333333232323159.03535343434333333323259.53535353434343333333360.03636353535343434333360.53736363635353534343461.03737373636363535353461.53837373736363636353562.03838383737373636363562.53939383838373737363663.04039393938383837373763.54040393939383838373764.04140404039393938383864.54141414040403939393865.04241414140404039393965.54242424141414040403966.04342424241414141404066.54343434242424141414067.04444434343424242414167.54444444343434242424168.04545444444434343424268.54545454444444343434369.04646454545444444434369.54646464545454444444470.04747464646454545444470.5474646464645454571.04747464646454571.5474746464672.04747464672.54747Body Fat Percentages for Females between 68.0 and 72.5 I nches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt68.068.569.069.570.070.571.071.572.072.549.51950.020201950.521202020191951.02222212121202020201951.52222212121202020201952.02322222221212121202052.52323232222222221212153.02424232323222222222153.52524242423232323222254.02525252424242423232354.52626252525242424242355.02726262625252525242455.52727272626262525252556.02828272727262626252556.52928282827272726262657.02929292828282727272657.53029292929282828272758.03030302929292928282858.53131303030292929292859.03231313130303029292959.53232323131313030302960.03332323232313131303060.53333333232323231313161.03434333333323232323161.53534343433333332323262.03535353434343333333262.53635353534343434333363.03636363535353434343463.53737363636353535343464.03737373636363635353564.53838373737363636363565.03838383837373736363665.53939383838373737373666.04039393938383837373766.54040393939393838383767.04140404039393939383867.54141414040403939393868.04241414140404040393968.54242424141414040403 969.04342424241414141404069.54343434242424141414170.04443434343424242414170.54444444343434242424271.04544444444434343424271.54545454444444343434372.04645454545444444434372.54646464545454444444473.04746464645454545444473.547474646464545454474.04746464646454574.547474646464575.04746464675.547474676.047Body Fat Percentages for Females between 73.0 and 77.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt7373.57474.57575.57676.57777.54949.55050.55151.55220191952.5202020191953212120202020191953.522212121212020201919542222222121212120202054.523232222222221212120552423232322222222212155.524242423232323222222562525242424232323232256.526252525242424242323572626262525252424242457.527262626262525252524582727272726262625252558.528282727272726262625592928282827272727262659.529292928282827272727603030292929282828282760.530303030292929282828613131303030302929292861.532313131303030302929623232323131313030303062.533323232323131313030633333333232323231313163.534343333333232323231643434 343433333332323264.535353434343333333332653535353534343433333365.535353535353534343433663535353535353535343466.535353535353535353535673535353535353535353567.535353535353535353535Height/Weight Charts for New Army Recruits (Male)Height in InchesMinimum WeightMaximum Weight (Age 17-20)Maximum Weight (Age 21-27)Maximum Weight (Age 28-39)Maximum Weight (Age 40)5891599460971321361391416110013614014414662104141144148150631071451491531556411015015415816065114155159163165661171601631681706712116516917417868125170174179181691281751791841867013218018518919271136185189194197721401901952002037314419520020520874148201206211214751522062122172207615621221722322677160218223229232781642232292352387916822923524124480173234240247250Height/Weight Charts for NewArmy Recruits (Female)Height in InchesMinimum WeightMaximum Weight (Age 17-20)Maximum Weight (Age 21-27)Maximum Weight (Age 28-39)Maximum Weight (Age 40)5891119121122123599412412512612860971281291311336110013213413513762104136138140142631071411431 441466411014514714915165114150152154156661171551561581616712115916116316668125164166168171691281691711731767013217417617818171136179181183186721401841861881917314418919119419774148194197199202751522002022042087615620520721021377160210213215219781642162182212257916822122422723080173227230233236Height/Weight Charts for New Air ForceRecruits (Male and Female)Height (inches)Max Weight (lbs)5813159136601416114562150631556416065165661706717568180691867019171197722027320874214752207622577231782377924480250Height/Weight Charts for New NavyRecruits (Male)Height (inches)Maximum Weight Standard (pounds)571275813159136601416114562150631556416065165661706717568181691867019171196722017320674211752167622177226782317923680241Height/Weight Charts for NewNavyRecruits (Female)Height (inches)Maximum Weight Standard (pounds)571275813159136601416114562149631526415665160661636716768170691747017771181721857318974194752007620577211782167922280227Height/Weight Charts for New MarineRecruits (Male)Height (inch es)Minimum Weight (regardless of age)Maximum Weight (16-20 years old)Maximum Weight (21-30 years old)58961481535998153158601001581636110216316862103168174631041741806410517918665106185191661071911976711119720368115203209691192092157012321522271127221228721312272347313523324174139240248751432462547614725326177151260268781532672757915727428280160281288Height/Weight Charts for NewArmyRecruits (Female)Height (inches)Minimum Weight (regardless of age)Maximum Weight (16-20 years old)Maximum Weight (21-30 years old)5891120123599412412760971281316110013213562104137140631071411446411014614965114150153661171551576712116016368125164167691281691737013217417771136179181721401841877314418919274148195197751522002037615620520877160211214781642162197916822222580173228231Height/Weight Charts for Marines After Entry(Male)Height (inches)Minimum Weight (regardless of age)Maximum Weight (16-20 years old)Maximum Weight (21-30 years old)5891120123599412412760971281316110013213562104137140631071411446411014 614965114150153661171551576712116016368125164167691281691737013217417771136179181721401841877314418919274148195197751522002037615620520877160211214781642162197916822222580173228231Height/Weight Charts for Marines After Entry(Female)Height (Inches)Maximum Standard (Pounds)Minimum Standard (Pounds)5812091591249460128976113210062137104631411076414611065150114661551176716012168164125691691287017413271179136721841407318914474195148752001527620515677211160782161647922216880228173Body Fat MeasurementsArmy (New Recruit Standards)Male 17-20 24%Male 21-27 26%Male 28-39 28%Male 40 30%Female 17-20 30%Female 21-27 32%Female 28-39 34%Female 40 36%Army (Standards After Boot Camp)Male 17-20 20%Male 21-27 22%Male 28-39 24%Male 40 26%Female 17-20 28%Female 21-27 30%Female 28-39 32%Female 40 34%Air Force (New Recruit Standards)Male 17-29 20%Male 30 24%Female 17-29 28%Female 30 32%Air Force (Standards After Boot Camp)The Air Force no longer measures body fat after basic training. Instead, Body Compo sition is an integrated part of the overallAir Force Fitness Test.Body Fat Charts for MalesThe below tables are derived from DOD Instruction 1308.3, DOD Physical Fitness and Body Fat Programs Procedures.Body Fat Percentages for Males between 60.0 and 64.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt60.060.561.061.562.062.563.063.564.064.513.59914.01111101010109914.51212121111111110101015.01313131312121212111115.51515151515131313131216.01616151515151414141416.51717161616161515151517.01818181717171716161617.51919191818181817171718.02020201919191918181818.52121212020202019191919.02222222121212120202019.52323232222222221212120.02424242323232322222220.52525252424242423232321.02626262525252524242421.52727272626262625252522.02827272727262626262522.52928282828272727272623.02929292928282828272723.53030302929292928282824.03131303030302929292924.53231313130303030302925.03232323231313131303025.53333333232323231313126.03434333333333232323226.53534343434333333333227.03535353534 343434333327.53636363535353534343428.03736363636353535353428.5373736363636353529.037373736363629.5373736Body Fat Percentages for Females between 58.0 and 62.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt58.058.559.059.560.060.561.061.562.062.545.01945.520201946.0212020201946.5212121202020191947.02222222121202020191947.52323222222212121202048.02423232322222221212148.52424242323232222222149.02525242424232323222249.52626252524242423232350.02726262625252424242350.52727272626262525252451.02828272727262626252551.52928282827272726262652.02929292828282727272652.53030292929282828272753.03130303029292928282853.53131313030302929292854.03232313131303030292954.53332323231313130303055.03333333232323131313055.53434333333323232313156.03534343433333332323156.53535353434343333323257.03636353534343433333357.53736363535353434343358.03737363636353535343458.53837373736363635353559.03838383737373636363559.53939383838373736363660.04039393838383737373660.54040393939383838373761.0414040403 9393938383861.54141414040403939383862.04242414140404039393962.54242424141414040403963.04343424242414141404063.54443434242424141414064.04444434343424242414164.54544444443434342424265.04545454444434343424265.54645454544444443434366.04646464545454444434366.54746464645454544444467.0474646464545454467.54746464645454568.047474646464568.54746464669.047474669.547Body Fat Percentages for Males between 65.0 and 69.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt65.065.566.066.567.067.568.068.569.069.514.5109915.0111110101010109915.51212121111111111101016.01313131312121212121116.51414141414131313131217.01615151515141414141417.51716161616161515151518.01818171717171616161618.51919181818181717171719.02020191919191818181819.52121202020201919191920.02221212121212020202020.52322222222212121212121.02423232323222222222121.52424242423232323232222.02525252524242424232322.52626262525252524242423.02727262626262625252523.52827272727272626262624.02828282828272727272624.529292929282828282727 25.03030302929292928282825.53131303030302929292926.03131313131303030302926.53232323231313131303027.03333323232323231313127.53433333333323232323228.03434343433333333323228.53535343434343433333329.03636363635353535343429.53636363635353535343430.03737363636363535353530.5373737363636363531.0373736363631.53737Body Fat Percentages for Males between 70.0 and 74.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt70.070.571.071.572.072.573.073.574.074.515.51011099916.011111110101010109916.51212121211111111111017.01313131313121212121117.51414141414131313131318.01515151515141414141418.51716161616151515151519.01817171717161616161619.51818181818171717171720.01919191919181818181820.52020202019191919191821.02121212120202020201921.52222222121212121202022.02323232222222222212122.52424232323232322222223.02524242424242323232323.52525252525242424242424.02626262625252525252424.52727272626262626252525.02828272727272626262625.52928282828272727272726.02929292928282828282726.530303029292929282 82827.03130303030302929292927.53131313130303030302928.03232323131313131303028.53332323232323131313129.03333333332323232323129.53434343333333332323230.03534343434343333333330.53535353534343434343331.03636353535353534343431.53636363636353535353532.03737373636363636353532.53737363636363633.03737363633.537Body Fat Charts for FemalesThe below tables are derived from DOD Instruction 1308.3, DOD Physical Fitness and Body Fat Programs Procedures.Body Fat Percentages for Females between 58.0 and 62.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt58.058.559.059.560.060.561.061.562.062.545.01945.520201946.0212020201946.5212121202020191947.02222222121202020191947.52323222222212121202048.02423232322222221212148.52424242323232222222149.02525242424232323222249.52626252524242423232350.02726262625252424242350.52727272626262525252451.02828272727262626252551.52928282827272726262652.02929292828282727272652.53030292929282828272753.03130303029292928282853.53131313030302929292854.03232313 131303030292954.53332323231313130303055.03333333232323131313055.53434333333323232313156.03534343433333332323156.53535353434343333323257.03636353534343433333357.53736363535353434343358.03737363636353535343458.53837373736363635353559.03838383737373636363559.53939383838373736363660.04039393838383737373660.54040393939383838373761.04140404039393938383861.54141414040403939383862.04242414140404039393962.54242424141414040403963.04343424242414141404063.54443434242424141414064.04444434343424242414164.54544444443434342424265.04545454444434343424265.54645454544444443434366.04646464545454444434366.54746464645454544444467.0474646464545454467.54746464645454568.047474646464568.54746464669.047474669.547Body Fat Percentages for Females between 63.0 and 67.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt63.063.564.064.565.065.566.066.567.067.547.5191948.02020201948.521212020201949.022212121202020191949.52222222121212020201950.02323222222222121212050.52423232323222222212151.02524242423 232322222251.52525252424242323232252.02626252525242424232352.52726262625252524242453.02727272626262525252453.52828272727262626252554.02928282827272726262654.52929292828282727272655.03030292929282828272755.53130303029292928282856.03131303030302929292856.53231313130303029292957.03232323131313030302957.53333323232313131303058.03433333332323231313158.53434343333333232323159.03535343434333333323259.53535353434343333333360.03636353535343434333360.53736363635353534343461.03737373636363535353461.53837373736363636353562.03838383737373636363562.53939383838373737363663.04039393938383837373763.54040393939383838373764.04140404039393938383864.54141414040403939393865.04241414140404039393965.54242424141414040403966.04342424241414141404066.54343434242424141414067.04444434343424242414167.54444444343434242424168.04545444444434343424268.54545454444444343434369.04646454545444444434369.54646464545454444444470.04747464646454545444470.5474646464645454571.04747464646454571.5474746464672.04747464672.54747Bod y Fat Percentages for Females between 68.0 and 72.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt68.068.569.069.570.070.571.071.572.072.549.51950.020201950.521202020191951.02222212121202020201951.52222212121202020201952.02322222221212121202052.52323232222222221212153.02424232323222222222153.52524242423232323222254.02525252424242423232354.52626252525242424242355.02726262625252525242455.52727272626262525252556.02828272727262626252556.52928282827272726262657.02929292828282727272657.53029292929282828272758.03030302929292928282858.53131303030292929292859.03231313130303029292959.53232323131313030302960.03332323232313131303060.53333333232323231313161.03434333333323232323161.53534343433333332323262.03535353434343333333262.53635353534343434333363.03636363535353434343463.53737363636353535343464.03737373636363635353564.53838373737363636363565.03838383837373736363665.53939383838373737373666.04039393938383837373766.54040393939393838383767.04140404039393939383867.541414140404039 39393868.04241414140404040393968.54242424141414040403969.04342424241414141404069.54343434242424141414170.04443434343424242414170.54444444343434242424271.04544444444434343424271.54545454444444343434372.04645454545444444434372.54646464545454444444473.04746464645454545444473.547474646464545454474.04746464646454574.547474646464575.04746464675.547474676.047Body Fat Percentages for Females between 73.0 and 77.5 Inches TallCircumference ValueHeight (inches)HtHtHtHtHtHtHtHtHt7373.57474.57575.57676.57777.54949.55050.55151.55220191952.5202020191953212120202020191953.522212121212020201919542222222121212120202054.523232222222221212120552423232322222222212155.524242423232323222222562525242424232323232256.526252525242424242323572626262525252424242457.527262626262525252524582727272726262625252558.528282727272726262625592928282827272727262659.529292928282827272727603030292929282828282760.530303030292929282828613131303030302929292861.532313131303030302929623232323131313030303062.53332323232313131303 0633333333232323231313163.534343333333232323231643434343433333332323264.535353434343333333332653535353534343433333365.535353535353534343433663535353535353535343466.535353535353535353535673535353535353535353567.535353535353535353535

Friday, December 27, 2019

Want your team to be successful Stop treating them like kids

Want yur gruppe to be successful Stop treating them like kidsWant your team to be successful Stop treating them like kidsLeading is like parenting - everybody thinks they do a much better job than they actually do.Theres a definite gap between how most executives assess themselves and how their direct reports do. Leaders and their teams seem to be watching two different movies.What you give is what you get.Organizations want employees to become more mature, accountable, and to drive change - yet their policies and rules treat people as kids.My point is not to point fingers, but to invite reflection. Without realizing it, many executives act as Helicopter bosses they have good intentions, but their need to control and protect their people doesnt allow them to grow.Its time for leadership to grow upBefore I got married I had six theories about raising children now, I have six children and no theories. - John WilmotTheres a spannungszustand that keeps repeating over and over - when t hings dont go well theres a tendency to blame it on the people.I help organizations build a culture of change - to become more experimental, innovative, and adaptive. When I kick-off a project, I receive a brief from senior executives. Most of the times, the diagnosis focuses on how their teams are not performing as they should.The company is trying to push change forward, but peoples behaviors and mindsets are - supposedly - getting in the way. While the description is not necessarily wrong, its far from being accurate. Afterward, when we interview the broader team, we get to listen to the other side of the story.Both stories are right and wrong at the same time.Driving change is not about taking sides, but a collective experience. Dont expect people to change if your rules stay the same.Addressing this gap with my clients, Ive come to a simple realization. Most senior executives believe they are good at delegating and inspiring people based on a different standard - a paternal ist leadership style they learned from their bosses decades ago.Delegation and freedom aint what they used to be.Todays environment requires removing the boundaries between leaders and the rest. People expect a more transparent, experimental, and participatory culture. Those words need to be understood through a 21st Century lens.Leadership is about co-creation - people want to be an active contributor, not just a passive implementer. Your team wishes to be treated as equals, not as kids.Stop planning, start experimentingOne believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them. - Aldous HuxleyWe live in an uncertain, volatile, and fast-changing era. However, most senior executives were trained to manage organizations in a predictable world.Most companies keep thinking on annual cycles. Annual planning, employee performance reviews, and promotions, to name a few are based on a 12-month period. We need to become better at adapting rather than at anticipating. As Susan Pet ers, GEs head of human resources The world isnt really on an annual cycle anymore for anything.The same applies to organizational structure or policies. They were written when things were supposedly predictable - organizations wanted to control how things should be done.That model operated under the assumption that leaders knew better. They were in dienstgrad of making strategic decisions and then persuade others to follow.However, a top-down approach is ineffective. Every person in a team is a sensor. They can detect problems and opportunities every member can develop new ideas, information or ways to operate.The future is uncertain. Modern leaders must be humble and vulnerable enough to admit they dont have all the answers - least to say that they can predict what will happen tomorrow. Rather than being stuck in best practices, organizations need to promote an experimental mindset.Rules and processes must constantly be challenged and improved.We must stop treating people as chil dren and let them actively participate, design, and influence how the company operates. Trial and error is not an option. Your team needs more room to experiment, make mistakes, adapt, and evolve.Five ways to start treating people like adultsHere are some ways to unleash the leader within your team by treating them as such and not as doers. There are not meant to be comprehensive or perfect, but rather to get you started.1. Rules that enable rather than forbidOn a previous article, I discussed how companies need to shift from a Culture of Scarcity to one of abundance. That requires a new approach to rules and policies.Most companies have rules that are based on a command and control mentality that was originated in the Industrial Revolution. Managers had to supervise that people showed up, did their job, and followed the policies.The problem with the command and control approach is that it doesnt promote trust. Rules control how and what people should do, rather than enable them to act freely and do what they believe is best for the company.Also, corporate rules tend to be one-way. Employees are supposed to clock in and out but are expected to reply to work emails during the weekend.Netflix unlimited vacation policy is the opposite - rather than tracking time it focuses on performance. When a culture is built around accountability people behave like adults - theres no need to cheat.2. Delegate decision-making rather than tasksI have yet to hear a senior executive acknowledging that he/ she is not good at delegating.The problem is that they task people with managing projects, but dont delegate decision-making. No matter how empowered a team is in the end, they always need their boss approval.Real delegation includes full accountability, to be responsible for both actions and repercussions. You can start by encouraging your team to make decisions in small doses.Safe-to-try decisions are an excellent contribution from Holacracy, a self-management system. It mov es teams into action rather than waiting for the perfect solution or for the boss to chime in.Think of safe-to-try as a Litmus test. To accept or reject a proposal there are two questions the team should considerWill this decision move the team backward?Will the proposal, if implemented, cause harm which can not be mitigated promptly?Theres always time to course correct. Let the team adjust their path based on actual feedback instead of hypothesis based on fear or anticipation.3. Trust peoples criteria over the processOrganizations that prioritize processes over results end encouraging politics rather than accountability.Zappos gives its employees freedom to follow their own criteria versus telling them whats right or wrong. An employee can send a new pair of shoes free of charge to a bride whos shoes never showed up without asking anyone for permission. Solving the clients problem is priority number one - employees use their best judgment rather than follow a rigid process.Do you encourage your team to follow or break the rules?What is it most important? To get the job done or to follow the process? Rules shouldnt limit your teams ability to perform their job. Breaking rules is not schwimmbad when its done with a purpose - heres a method to do so.4. Encourage failure rather than protectionismHelicopter bosses are not just micromanagers - they tend to be overprotective too. Trying to avoid the team from getting hurt, they can cause more damage.Teams need to make mistakes to learn and grow. At Nixon McInnes, a social media company, the Church of Fail is a monthly ritual. Employees are invited to stand and confess their mistakes and are wildly applauded for doing so.Does your organization punish mistakes or encourage people to learn from them?Embracing mistakes promotes transparency and experimentation. Everyone makes mistakes - publicly acknowledging them ensures that people can learn from them and that others wont make the same one. Also, mistakes are a me ans to an end - action is always better than inaction.5. Provide challenges rather than directionPeople want to be challenged so that they can give their best. However, more than 3/4 of the workforce believe their bosses dont motivate them to unleash their true potential.Most senior managers tend to define the path rather than letting their team members find the solution. They provide unsolicited advice instead of challenging people with questions.When work is organized around projects, peoples responsibilities become repetitive and predictable thus, decreasing excitement and engagement.Facebook engineers decide what they want to work on. They can make changes to the website without asking for permission.Assign challenges rather than tasks. Its more interesting to be in charge of How can we inspire and educate our clients? than to be the monthly newsletter manager. A challenge invites people to improve their game, not just to continue playing the same way. Leadership requires a ne w standard - invite your team to co-create how your organization works and operates. Encourage people to experiment and fail, to break the rules with a purpose, to make decisions, and to prioritize results over processes.Freedom drives accountability - contrary to public belief, the more freedom people get, the more engaged and committed they are.Your team is constituted by responsible adults who should be trusted. They dont need to be controlled. What you give is what you get.Before you leaveReceive my weekly Insights for Changemakers Sign Up NowDownload my ebook Stretch Your Team how to thrive in a changing world get your free copy.This article first appeared on Medium.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Adapting Education to Overcome the STEM Workforce Shortage

Adapting Education to Overcome the STEM Workforce Shortage Adapting Education to Overcome the STEM Workforce Shortage Many recruiters these days are struggling to overcome the shortage of prized skills in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. To address this problem, the U.S. government recently announced a $200 million initiative to teach computer coding to young girls and minority students - groups typically underrepresented in the STEM field - in U.S. schools.The administrations actions reflect a growing awareness that society mustcreate more effective ways to train workers for new roles in the digital economy.Federal funding for in-school training programs is a good first step that should have an impact over time, but what can be done in the near term? One proven approach to meeting the growing demand for STEM grads is to harness the transferable skills and critical thinking of our citizenry not currently trained in STEM.By identifying people from div erse backgrounds who want to be re-skilled for high-demand, high-worth tech jobs and matching them with the coursework they need to obtain STEM degrees, we can bridge the tech skills eu-agrarpolitik in the short term.STEM fields offer exceptional employment opportunities, long-term career potential, and competitive salaries that are up to 26 percent higher than other professions, so finding people who want to be re-skilled should not be too difficult.One solution involvesoffering STEM bridge courses toward a graduate STEM degreeto those from non-STEM bachelors degree backgrounds. In addition, by partnering with technology companies, educational institutions are developing more modern curricula to meet the timely demand for a cutting-edge STEM workforce. Such transition programs will be critical to building the skills and workforce diversity necessary to maintain U.S. competitiveness.Taking a More Direct Path to the STEM PipelineEducators have begun to recognize the value of creating a more direct path to a Master of Science degree in high-demand fields such as computer science, bioinformatics, and cybersecurity. For example, Northeastern Universitys ALIGN program integrates substantial firsthand work experience in the field into each students coursework. Options include internships, co-ops, and mentorships. In this way, non-STEM students can build their resumes while still working toward their graduate degrees.Academic bridge courses enable students to connect their past undergraduate experiences to new STEM career paths. In this way, people can quickly navigate career changes and break into tech fields withoutneeding to earn additional bachelors degrees.Anotherapproach involves plugging non-STEM students into broader networks beyond campus so that they gain exposure to employer partners, alumni, and other industry professionals.Launching Tech Boot Camps to Put STEM Boots on the GroundAnother strategy to grow the STEM workforce involves short re-skilling progr ams that combine many educational elements, including high-demand skills training, hands-on work experience, and networking opportunities.At Northeastern University, we have developed a fast-track program for re-skilling and upskilling known as Level Education, which includes a significant experiential component with industry partners. Course requirements vary with no GRE requirements, and all graduates receive a certificate and the option to further their education through a variety of masters programs.The Level Education programoffers a range of ways to accommodate busy schedules. Students can choose between introductory, intermediate, and focused courses with flexible class formats including full-time, part-time, and hybrid courses combining in-person and online coursework.Currently, Northeastern has more than 300 students and alumni involved in these programs nationwide. In each case, a program professional supports the student for a one-on-one capstone project in which the stud ent applies newfound data skills to solve real-world problems. These capstone projects culminate with final reports in which students make formal presentations to real-world employers.All these innovative approaches can help more students graduate with technical certificates and portfolios of relevant projects that showcase the practical application oif their skills.We can no longer depend on 20th century educational models to build a 21st century workforce. Arming non-STEM graduates with new STEM skills and real-world experiences is the most direct way to instill the necessary confidence and optimism that can lead to new career opportunities.PK Agarwal isCEO and dezentral dean ofNortheastern University-Silicon Valleyand former CTO for California under Governor Schwartzenegger.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Basic Enlisted Submarine School (BESS)

Basic Enlisted Submarine School (BESS)Basic Enlisted Submarine School (BESS)Packed like sardines into a room just larger than the average Americans living room, the 17 Sailors, in full battle dress, were receiving their latest in a series of damage control training classes, a walk-through of a replicated submarine space known as the wet coach. In mere minutes, these same Sailors would be locked in that same space, fighting leaks from pipes and flanges, along with a rapidly rising water level, in a frantic effort to save the boat. The Story Unfolds Just a quick turn down a winding road from the wet trainer, another group of Sailors prepared themselves to save the ship as well. Only, their potential danger would not be water these eager Sailors would face a dark room full of smoke and scorching, blistering fire. Soon both sets of students would be struggling to accomplish two completely different tasks. There may be nothing as out-and-out diverse as fire and water, but in completin g their independent tasks, the Sailors are working toward one common goalattempting to move on. As students at the Navys Basic Enlisted Submarine School (BESS), students have long been faced with the stress and strain of this final week of training. The trainers serve as the final obstacle for the wannabe submariners before BESS graduation, capping off a month-long learning process. The days importance is not lost on the students, either. Its definitely a nervous day for all of us, said Seaman Brandon Nims, as he awaited fire extinguisher training. It really has some guys losing sleep. I know I was very nervous, just knowing that this is the end of it for BESS. Its more than just training for us. Adding to the stress of the event is the jam-packed aspect of the weeks training schedule. Prior to the groups final scenario, they spend two days training and performing in the wet trainer. The relatively quick pace of the hands-on training proved to be another barrier for the students to cross. I thought everything was going to be a bit slower, Electronics Technician Seaman Recruit Joseph Drawns said after wrapping up his time in the wet trainer. You had to really be on your toes. (The instructors) had to fit a lot of information into a short period of time, so they just kept cramming stuff into our heads. When it came time to perform, sometimes it was difficult to remember everything right away. The pace of the final week seemed to mirror the prior three, in which Sailorsmost straight out of boot campbegan to lay the groundwork of becoming a submariner. The path starts just before classing up for BESS when potential students are made to endure the submarine escape trainer. The trainer, which simulates the general arrangement of a 637-class submarine escape trunk, allows students to apply the egress training they learn in a basic classroom environment. This involves the Sailors forcing themselves, four at a time, into a cramped escape hatch that soon fills about nec k-high with water. Then they each don a Steinke hood, an inflatable mask of sorts that allows the prospective submariners to breathe while ducking underwater to escape the tank from a watertight hatch that opens to a swimming pool. Once there, the Sailors assemble in a tight huddle pattern before making a final swim across the pool. One thing is for sureif anyone in the class is claustrophobic, it wont take long to find out. Thats the last thing you want on a submarine, said Information Systems Technician 2nd Class (DV) Curt Ramsey, one of the escape trainer instructors. This ought to identify those who may have a problem with it. Between having the hood close over your face and the tight environment of the tank, no one should be able to fool us. Despite the gripping fear caused by claustrophobia, Ramsey said most people who panic in the conditions are able to rally up and finish the training. The escape portion of the school was a surprise to many of the students. I had no idea it was even possible to escape a sub, Drawns said. I figured it was pretty much over for you if your boat went down. I was really paying attention in that class. And that classroom instruction kicked in for most students in the pool, Seaman Recruit Joshua Henderson said. The escape was pretty intense, but it was explained to us very well before in the classroom. So we knew what to do when we got in there. Students closed a successful day at the escape trainer by performing a two-man escape that culminated in learning to use a single-man raft. Everyone was pretty fired up after we were done, Henderson said. We were all happy to get it over with. The sense of accomplishment is not allowed to last long, however. The following week, the escape trainer students class up for their official BESS kickoff. What follows is a three-week period of intensive classroom study that challenges students on a daily basis. It was much harder than I ever expected it to be, said Machinists Mate Fireman Mich ael Bybee. The information was crammed into your heads so that you had no time to breathe. It took up nearly every second we had here. True to Bybees word, the typical day of instruction ran from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. with an hour for lunch. During that time, the instructors made sure to pack as many lessons as possible in the students day. Its something we really have to do, said MM1(SS) John Roberts, one of BESS instructors. Three weeks seems like a long time for some people, but when you have as many things to teach about as we do, you need all the time you can get. We practically go through every system and major piece of equipment on the boat. Its a lot of info. Learning all that information requires a longer than average school day for students. After taking a break around 4 p.m. to relax and eat dinner, nearly all students return to the schoolhouse at 6 p.m. for three hours of night study. Rare exceptions to night study are given to students who are excelling in the classroom. Add that to a 515 a.m. muster for breakfast, and BESS students know they are in for a long day. For those couple of weeks, the day was nothing but school, Drawns said. Then you throw in night study, and you have only a little bit of free time during the week. But no matter how much you hate night study, you really need it. That night study comes in handy for the students during each of their three major tests during the course of the school. All Sailors in the school must pass the tests to complete the submarine school training. Its only after conquering the escape trainer and running through the schoolhouse that the students are able to challenge rushing waters and burning fires. Its a moment they are more than happy to see. After doing nothing but sitting in a classroom for a few weeks, it was welcome, Bybee said. The entire time youre just looking forward to the trainers. You almost sit there and dream about fighting fires and patching up leaks. When the class reaches that point, the group splits into two and alternates a two-day period in each trainer. For each, the first day is purely a classroom day. Instructors use this time to go over basic scenarios and rules with the students. The second day of training is when all the action takes place. For students in the fire trainer, that means dressing out in full battle dress and going through several different firefighting scenarios, including the use of fire extinguishers, hoses, and self-contained breathing apparatuses. The entire time, the Sailors are fighting actual fires limited to a control room. That added a new twist for us, said Bybee. The heat coming off of those fires was great. It was simulated, but it was real. We had faced nothing like that before. The heat from the fire may have been real, but instructors are nearby to ensure each evolution is conducted safely. We want the students to get a real feel of what would happen in an actual submarine fire, said Firefighting Instructor MM2(SS) Laurence Georghan, but, with BESS classes, everything is very structured and rigid. We need to make sure everything is done without anyone getting injured. While ensuring safety, the instructors build the training to a peak with a scenario that tests what the students have learned in the days earlier sessions. After we take them in and let them know what they are using, Georghan said, we hit them with a situation where fire will break out, and they must decide what kind of agent to put the fire out with. Were there to make sure nothing goes wrong, but in that situation, the BESS students are definitely more in control than before. By the time the day is finished, the students should be able to combat the flames of various types of fires if the need ever arises. Those finished with the firefighting portion are only half done with the week, however. What awaits them in the wet trainer is more than 20,000 gallons of water spraying out of 12 leaks in a simulated arrangement of an SSBN 650-class lower-level engine room. For those not used to waist-high water, the damage control exercise can be a harrowing experience. The water level rises so fast, Nims said about his time in the wet trainer. It definitely opens your eyes about what could happen down there. You know its all controlled, but it can get pretty scary. But in the end, the young BESS Sailors know it is training they may eventually use, whether they want to or not. We definitely need to know it for when we get out to a boat, Bybee said. Im hoping I never get to use it, but knowing my luck, it will come in handy.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Theres No Such Thing as a Video Resume

Theres No Such Thing as a Video ResumeTheres No Such Thing as a Video ResumeA proper video bio that tells your story, and doesnt simply repeat your resume, requires more than you and a video camera.By William Arruda and Catharine FennellWhen you strip away all the basic requirements that are expected in any given role - hard skills and experience - whats left? Everything that cannot be said in a resume Yet, ironically, these are the critical personal elements that make the difference in decision making - your soft skills and how you fit within the culture. This is the tipping point that will get a hiring manager to take a second look. They often determine longevity, loyalty, career satisfaction and productivity for employees.Hiring managers have a hard job. They must review hundreds of resumes to decide whom they would like to interview. Its challenging to discern soft skills in text format resumes. Even the best-written resume wont necessarily put your name on the interview list. With about seven qualified candidates for each open position, you need to think beyond the resume to career absatzwirtschaft tools that give you the opportunity to express your personal brand. One job-seeker tool thats gaining popularity is a video bio. Video gives you the opportunity to convey soft skills like communication style, passion, ideas, demeanor, confidence and personality.A video bio is not just any video and its not a video resume. It is a multimedia tool thats designed to communicate your story (hence bio) and not simply repeat whats in your resume. In fact, a video bio is everything that cannot be communicated in your resume. It allows you to share achievements in a storytelling way and helps you stand out from the crowd by making a real connection with your prospective manager. Because words account for approximately 6 percent of a complete communication, your written career marketing tools ( cover letter, resume, thank-you note, etc.) limit your ability to create e motional connections with the people who are making decisions about you. When you combine those traditional career documents with video, you present a holistic view of your candidacy. You need to think of your video bio as an important element in your career marketing package and build a strategy that tells the whole story.Extract the Best of YouAs with all of your career marketing materials, quality trumps quantity. Yet the easy availability of video cameras - Flip videos, iPhones, etc. - gives us the false impression that a video bio is a do-it-yourself project. A great video is tough to do on your own, which is why career-minded professionals are investing in professionally produced, shot and edited video bios with a specific process thats designed to extract the best of you, your performance and your message. No matter how advanced the technology gets, the formula for the content and direction that goes into the video is what makes a great video.Here are five tips for getting the most from your video bioStart with your personal brand. Know what you want to say and what personality characteristics you want to convey.Think strategically. Define what you want to include in all of your career marketing materials and ensure that together they tell a clear, complete and compelling story.Prepare. Just as professional athletes spend hundreds of hours preparing for a few hours of play, the right preparation will ensure the best outcome. Dont get in front of the camera until you are confident with what you want to say.Commit to quality. Hire the right resources or work with a one-stop-shop video-bio producer. Ensure the proper audio, lighting, etc., to position yourself in the most positive light.Spread it everywhere. Upload it to video-sharing sites like Facebook, YouTube, Viddler, TubeMogul and Vimeo. Include a link on your resume, in your LinkedIn profile and on your blog. Use it in your mail signature. Tweet your video to your followers.If you are looking to t une up your resume and define your personal brand, and you are already prepared to invest in resume writers and career coaches, put a video bio on your to-do list. It could be the difference that will get you that much-coveted interview.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Do This, Get That Guide On Scannable Resume

The Do This, Get That Guide On Scannable Resume If you decide to have an objective, it must be no more than two lines. The best method to make sure your document is formatted properly is to call the providers HR department and discover out whether there are certain guidelines. Giving out privileged reference information indiscriminately isnt advisable. Folks often blame the sheer volume of resumes which are submittedHR simply cant review all of them with enough detail to find out what an ideal candidate youre The general appearance of your resume depends upon the resume format, font and outline you select. Resumes will typically use one of the subsequent two formats, but may also be a blend of both. When to Use the Chronological Resume Format A Chronological resume is the simplest to create and its also the most popular format. Keep the resume format basic so its easily read. Thus the format is essential in preparing a suitable presentation of your resume. Keep the format as easy as you possibly can. On account of the technologies involved with parsing the resume, its important to keep the format of your resume very easy and somewhat plain. There arent any particular rules on the length of time your resume should be. You will need to understand where youre going in order to receive there. Locating the perfect job is never simple, but if you create a memorable resume, you will come across the procedure is far more enjoyable. Begin with thisyoga resume sample for a guideline then dont hesitate to modify it to your liking. Consider what youd love to understand if YOU were hiring someone. Lots of people feel overwhelmed at the thought of writing their resume. If youve got the posting for the job youre seeking, share that with the man whos going to be doing your critiquing. Prevent the usage of shading There is actually no reason to use shading, but some people today use it on resumes just as its available. Design The visual appeal of your resume is important. Work Experience As a rule of thumb, you should incorporate all appropriate work experience. Functional Resumes may be used for men and women that have a History or Psychology degree. Your college GPA if youre a student or new grad is a good example of outcome. More information regarding your legal ability to work in the usa can be located on the ISSS site. You also need to determine which of your unique abilities or accomplishments best demonstrate how you are able to satisfy the needs. Do not mean it is excessively lengthy. Creative resume templates will be able to help you build a document that shows your creativity whilst still keeping up the professionalism you have to be taken seriously to get past the gatekeepers. It is essential that your resume contains the proper keyword phrases. Resumes dont need complete sentences and you ought to avoid employing the very first person (I, me, my). The employer or recruiter will retrieve your scannable resume at a subsequent time by entering keywords that are particular to the position they are trying to fill. Recruiters wish to be in a position to glance at the resume and receive the gist. You should definitely be ready to provide references to prospective employers should they ask for them. Also if its too fancy, it may switch off the employer. Employers want new hires that are ready to self-reflect and are prepared to undertake challenges. Normally, an employer has an extremely limited period of time to examine your rsum. Your prospective employer would like to know you could follow simple instructions even when you have the credentials of the President of the USA.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Women of Synchrony

Women of Synchrony At Synchrony, were pioneering the future of finance and Technology is at the forefront of what we do. Hear how Michele is achieving her ambitions and building meaningful relationships with us as a Technology Risk Officer, and learn mora about our Technology team and open roles here.About Synchrony Synchrony (NYSE SYF) is a premier consumer financial services company delivering customized financing programs across key industries including retail, health, auto, travel and home, along with award-winning consumer banking products. With more than $130 billion in sales financed and 74.5 million active accounts, Synchrony brings deep industry expertise, actionable data insights, innovative solutions and differentiated digital experiences to improve the success of every geschftliches miteinander we serve and the quality of each life we touch.Connect with Synchrony Visit Synchrony WEBSITE www.synchronycareers.com Like Synchrony on FACEBOOK https//www.facebook.com/SynchronyF in... Follow Synchrony on TWITTER https//twitter.com/syfcareers Follow Synchrony on INSTAGRAM https//www.instagram.com/synchrony/ Follow Synchrony on LINKEDIN https//www.linkedin.com/company/sync... One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in co nstruction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo-verstrker welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction indus try can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.